Rabu, 14 September 2011

Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.[1] Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Purchasers may be individuals or businesses. In commerce, a "retailer" buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user. Retail establishments are often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a necessary part of their overall distribution strategy. The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the needs of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility, like electric power.
Shops may be on residential streets, shopping streets with few or no houses or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to protect customers from precipitation. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and mail order, are forms of non-shop retailing.
Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it is done as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not buying) and browsing and does not always result in a purchase.
A marketplace is a location where goods and services are exchanged. The traditional market square is a city square where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise. This kind of market is very old, and countless such markets are still in operation around the whole world.
In some parts of the world, the retail business is still dominated by small family-run stores, but this market is increasingly being taken over by large retail chains.
Retailers can opt for a format as each provides different retail mix to its customers based on their customer demographics, lifestyle and purchase behaviour. A good format will lend a hand to display products well and entice the target customers to spawn sales.
One of the important actors in the business world and deal directly with customers or buyers is to shop. Stores play an active role in determining the success or failure of the sale of a product on the market. Having a shop observes most of the people is a form of business that is most easily done. If we have money can go directly to stores, buying goods, arranging items in stores, selling directly and immediately benefit from the difference between selling price and buying price. Truth it did not doubt but to be able to run the business the store has become the business growing and profitable is not as easy as imagined
Besides the price factor and the product itself, there are many other factors that determine the success or failure of a product sales in stores such as how the product is on display, how information is delivered to customers, and equally important is the service from the store. There are still many other factors that are not visible from the customer side but directly affect the success of these, for example regarding the purchase of goods, inventory, delivery, management shall store, marketing and competition between stores as well as an understanding of customer behavior.
Many shop owners feel the sale in their store very well, the number of visitors, buyers and customers too much but they feel the benefits a very small risk is not worth the effort and energy they spend. Managing the store was not as easy as keeping cigarette shop that is maintained and guarded by the owners themselves. Especially if you manage a large store and has many types of goods, so it must employ bebeapa salesman, especially when the number of stores has more than one. To be managed by management modernsehingga retail stores will be increasingly expected to develop, operate effectively and efficiently, also increased sales offset by an increase in profits.
Modern context of retail merchandising includes two very important substance that developed at this time, the approach to Category Management (Category Management) and Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain Management). In this context, category management can be understood as an approach to the handling of goods at the category level through a structured and systematic classification of the assortment / product mix. Meanwhile, a new paradigm in supply chain management of goods puts retailers in a point / chain in the distribution channel / supply of goods together with the suppliers to be part of the overall process flow of the supply of goods from upstream to downstream. This new paradigm requires a common perception among suppliers by retailers in looking at needs and customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal of the process.
It should be understood that the basic goods category management is the implementation of strategic management at the level of categories of goods. Thus, its implementation involves all aspects of retail business that includes aspects of the Assets, Finance, Human Resources and Merchandise. The implementation of category management requires a fundamental change in the way of handling these four aspects. The success of its implementation is very determined and characterized by a factor or category of goods structuring, structuring the organization, and level of implementation of information systems (computers) merchandising. These three determinants are the elements that influence each other.
The structure of categories of goods is a hierarchical classification framework arrangement of goods. In structuring the category of goods contained two important functions, namely functions of classification and identification functions. Classification category of goods is a whole process of placing items of goods within a framework that builds assortment to sort it out based on the usefulness of the consumer side and then arrange those categories in a hierarchical structure. Identification is the process of setting items of the collection of data from an item in the assortment that distinguishes these items with other items.
Goods category management implementation requires an adjustment in the structure and patterns of work organization retail business. Approach to the division of tasks in the functional-structural shifts into categorical-functional. Business management focused on the level of the category as a strategic business unit, a profit center.
The processes of strategic and operational decision-making retail business is now highly dependent on the level of implementation of computer information systems. Network information system allows obtaining real-time data, projections and estimates of needs and optimal range of standard analysis reports. Strategic decisions and plans of action can be performed more quickly and on target, thus ensuring the efficiency of business processes.
In the old paradigm of suppliers and retailers tend to view the process of distribution of goods from suppliers to retailers (retail supply chain) in the angle of view is diametrically different. Modern Retail Supply Chain puts retailers as a point in the distribution chain or line. This concept bridges the interests of suppliers and retailers in the same angle, namely as part of the overall process flow of goods from upstream to downstream through to the end consumer. The orientation of this thorough process is the fulfillment of customer needs and satisfaction (consumer driven). Consumer demand information flow moves from downstream to upstream as feedback on the movement of goods flow. Sales information and historical turn-over of the check out counter sales (retail cashier lines) became the basis for the calculation of the production process, and quotation in the current distribution of goods supply, made possible by active cooperation and adequate information systems and connect every point in the process. With the new paradigm, the orientation of the retailer's suppliers are selling out. Supplier will tend to target the selling in as much as possible with the cooperation of a proactive and targets based on the information selling out and the results of the analysis are given retailer as part of the collaboration.
A main feature of the modern concept of the retail supply chain is a collaborative planning and action, and a common perception of the interests of each of the suppliers with retailers. Cooperative planning and action referred to is proactive and innovative collaboration in the form of concrete activities aimed to get the increased sales volumes and margins. This form of cooperation can be a promotion event, logistic co-operation (warehousing / cross docking), first pricing, and or private labeling.  Real efforts that can be done retailer for the implementation of category management and new paradigms in supply chain management, among others, mix-margin, standard implantation / space management, and private labeling. Mix-margin is a way of pricing differently for each category and or any particular item in the category with the aim to give the impression of a competitive price.
While the implantation category can be defined as a way of structuring the goods on display shelves (shelving) in a store with a category management approach. Grouping arrangement and display of goods per aisley per shelving adapted to the structure of categories of goods. Further development of the category implantation is space management by providing proportional setting the placement of goods on display shelving.
Then, in the presence of private label and specific items, then the retailer's merchandise assortment will consist of three types, namely brand items, private label and specific items. Brand items are items with a trademark that we usually encounter in the market and are distributed in a common distribution channels, ranging from the manufacture or importer, then to a distributor and wholesaler, and finally retailers. While private items and specific items are items that can only be found in certain retailers or on certain market level. The existence of private items and specific items was initiated by retailers as part of its strategy of category management. Private items and specific items manufactured on the basis of a contract of cooperation between retailers with producers item in question.
Private label or home brand items are those items of goods sold using the same brand name retailers or a derivative or a brand name that independently made by retailers, but it still shows the connection with the retailer concerned. While a specific item or also called first-price or lowest price the item is basically a brand items, which are based on certain agreements made by its producer as a specific item for the retailer. Specific provisions include (1) restrictions on the existence of the brand of the item on the market that in-line with the positioning of retailers, (2) the purchase quotation for retailers and guarantee the availability of goods by the producer, and (3) conditions for the best price regardless of marketing budget and the wholesaler's margin.From the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of research in this thesis are:
a. Presenting an analysis of the Internal Market Traditional to identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Traditional Market.
b. Analyzing the strategic environment of traditional markets by analyzing the external factors of traditional markets with the aim of traditional markets can react to external forces that could well lead to an opportunity or both opportunities and threats or barriers that have direct influence on the activities of traditional markets.
c. Formulate strategies and policies that can sustain life from the viewpoint of the traditional markets of National Security.
Primary data processing is done using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process Thomas L. From the analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) on the perspective of modern market trader, is known to focus his attention on increasing profits, then the expansion of business, and business continuity. Policies preferred by the modern market trader is free competition with traditional markets. Meanwhile, the least desirable policy is the policy of limiting the number of modern markets.
While the perspective of traditional market traders, who became the focus of major concern is the survival of new businesses, increase profits and business expansion. The main priority of the selected policy is limiting the number of modern markets. Meanwhile, the least desirable policy is pesaingan free.
This difference in perspective between the traditional and modern markets in both the focus of attention as well as in policy preferences can be a potential conflict. Moreover, this difference is quite a contrast. The main priority of traditional markets is a priority of the least desired by the modern market trader, and vice versa.
Besides, the focus of attention of local governments in efforts to create a fair trading system of asta Gatra Gatra priority is the most important economic Gatra, while based on policy considerations is the eighth Gatra who obtained the highest policy limits the number of modern markets.
Policies in the perspective of local government in this case the same as the traditional market traders perspective. Means that the potential policy conflicts with the traditional market traders are relatively small. However, the potential for conflict with the modern market traders are still open. However, local governments must continue to take their policies, with some notes, because the policy has to consider all aspects thoroughly Gatra asta.
Policies that contain a plea to the traditional market traders have some dimensipenting in the Regional Resilience among others:
a) This policy will create more good balance so that the perpetrators of retail trade expanded business opportunities and the income gap will be increasingly reduced. This will give strength to the economic stability of the region which is a reflection of the Regional Resilience.
b) Development of small-scale retail trade can improve the quality of human resources that will eventually be able to process natural resources so as to provide a positive impact on the Regional Resilience.
c) With the advances in human resource capability to combine the power of pegetahuan science and technology and capital with the potential of nature and geography of the area will increase the competitive advantage that is more resilient in the face of challenges from the outside.
d) Construction of small retailers will relieve poverty through equitable distribution of income so that business and social inequalities and social jealousy can be overcome. This condition will further solidify the Regional Resilience.

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