Minggu, 18 September 2011


1.       Surgency
Referred to a dominance, self confident, the need for power, or dynamic involves patterns of behavior often exhibited in group settings and generally concerned with getting a head in life.
·         Those individuals higher in surgency are outgoing, competitive, decisive, impactful, and self confident.
·         Individuals with lower in surgency prefer to work by themselves and have relatively little interest in influencing or competing with other
2.       Agreeableness
Also known as emphaty, friendliness, interpersonal sensitivity or the need for affiliation. This personality dimention concerns how one gets along with, as apposed to getting ahead of other.
·         Individuals high in agreeableness tend to be emphatic, approachable, and optimistic.
·         Those lower in agreeableness are more apt to appear insensitive, distant, and pessimistic.
3.       Dependability
Also known as consciousness or prudence does nt involve interactingwith others but rather concerns those behavioral patterns related to one’s opproach to work
·         Leader who are higher in dependability tend to be planful and hard working, follow through with their commitments and rarely get into troube.
·         Those who are lower in dependability tend to be more spontaneuos, creative, and rule bending and less concerned with following through with commitment.
4.       Adjustment
Also known as emotional stability or self contrl is concerned with how people react to stress, failure, or personal criticism.
·         Leaders higher in adjusment tend to be calm and tend to ot to take a mistakes or failure personally
·         Tthose lower in adjusment may become tense, anxious, or exhibit emotional outbursts when stressed or criticized.
5.       Openness to experience
Also know as intelligence, curiousity, inqusitiveness, and learning approach.
·         Leader higher in openess to experience tend to be imaginative, broadminded, curious, and are more strategic, big picture thinkers; they seek out new experiences through travel, the arts, movies, sports, reading, going, to the new restaurants or learning about new cultures.
·         Individuals lower in openess to experience tend to be more practical and have narrower interests; they likr doing thing the tried and true way rather than experimenting with new ways

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