Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

economy comparative

Chapter 1
Economic System in an Era of Change

Although the roots of the rapid changes now under way reach back to the 1980s and earlier, the 1990s ushered in a new world order. The dramatic and  astonishing events 1990 and 1991 – the ending of the cold war, German reunification, the fall of the communist government is Eastern Europe, and the failed coup attempt in the Soviet Union – caught most observes off guard. For the analyst of different economic systems, traditional models and approaches must be questioned, they may not be appropriate for tracking change deeper and more rapid than could have been imagined just 10 years ago.
How these major issues are resolved will determine the shape of the next century and the way in which different economic systems contribute to the resolution of critical economic problems.
1.   Will the Soviet Union and its former Eastern Europe satellites succeed in transforming themselves into viable economies based on market allocation and non-state ownership? Will the economic decline of this region be reserved and the peoples involved gain access to a standard of living consistent with the resource base?
2.   Will the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe become full- fledged members of  the world economic community, opening up new product and technology markets for themselves and for their Western partners.
3.   Will the Chinese embark on renewed economic and political reforms to rejuvenate their economy after the setbacks to reform that occurred in the late 1980s?
4.   Will western Europe and North America continue to move toward unification of world markets at the expense of national sovereignty? How will the industrialized west accommodate the desire of Eastern Europe to become part of this unification process?
5.   Will the developing economies of Latin America, Asia, and Africa begin to make economic progress relative to the more industrialized countries of the world so that prosperity will cease to be limited to a small fraction of the world’s population?
6.   To what degree and in what ways will the new political and economic arrangements generate economic progress in the face of critical constraints such as energy requirements and the need to curtail environment decay?

The year 1985 marked the starting point for serious change in the communist bloc. In this year newly selected general secretary of the Soviet Communist party, president Mikhail Gorbachev, announced his intention to initiate “radical” reform of the Soviet political structure, society, and economy. Up until this point, the Soviet Union had been the most important example of a centrally planned socialist economic system that was experiencing serious problems in economic performance but had limited interest in economic reform. After all, Gorbachev was an apparatchik- a person who rose through the party ranks and therefore could be expected to cling to past goals and methods.

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Leadership Style case at KOPMA UNAND

Based on current demands of such rapid change, The cooperative movement is expected to contribute and a real role in supporting the realization of the order and the new paradigm of economic development in the current era of regional autonomy, since, as mandated in an effort to improve the living standard of people's welfare (Penjelasan UU No. 22 / 1999 Pasal 43 huruf e), "Cooperatives are the embodiment of the ideal concept of economic democracy, which must be done together through the facilitation and development of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises which includes the capital, marketing, technology development, production, processing, and coaching and development of human resources. "


Sebagai bahan renungan....

Kejernihan dan kekotoran hati seseorang akan tampak jelas tatkala dirinya ditimpa kritik, celaan, atau penghinaan orang lain. Bagi orang yang lemah akal dan imannya, niscaya akan mudah goyah dan resah. Ia akan sibuk menganiaya diri sendiri dengan memboroskan waktu untuk memikirkan kemungkinan melakukan pembalasan. Mungkin dengan cara-cara mengorek-ngorek pula aib lawannya tersebut atau mencari dalih-dalih untuk membela diri, yang ternyata ujung dari perbuatannya tersebut hanya akan membuat dirinya semakin tenggelam dalam kesengsaraan batin dan kegelisahan.

56 The Right Nurse for the Job

I.                  Case Backround
Frances Matthews, the director of clinical services at Appalachian Home Health Service, Inc. (AHHS). Was concerned. AHHS needed to hire a nurse quickly. One of the staff nurses had just handed in her resignation bcause her husband was being transferred out of state. The nurse who was leaving gave AHHS two weeks notice, which complied with the agency policy; however, it still left the agency in a bind. Frances knew that recruiting and interviewing of home health nurses was a time-consuming process, and, even after a nurse was hired, several weeks of orientation usually weree requared before the nurse could perform independently. She knew that all of the regular staff  were working to capacity, and that the loss of even one nurse at this time would have major implications.


Dalam hidup manusia akan memperoleh kebahagiaan jika di dasarkan pada keselarasan dan keseimbangan hidup pribadi, dalam hubungan dengan masyarakat, bangsa, alam maupun dengan Tuhannya. Dengan demikian kekuatan manusia itu tidak hanya terletak pada fisiknya semata, juga kemampuan untuk bekerjasama dengan sesama manusia lainnya.

Nabi SAW pernah berkata : "Jika ada tiga orang diantara kamu wajib ditunjuk satu orang sebagai pemimpin". Hadist diatas menerangkan bahwa betapa pentingnya mengorganisir banyak orang yang lebih dari dua, yang tentunya pula dalam satu pandangan dan tujuan untuk berbagi peran dan penghasilan. Misalnya pekerjaan itu adalah membuat bangunan maka tidak semua orang sama-sama menggergaji kayu, atau sama-sama mengaduk semen, namun harus ada yang bertugas sebagai arsitek, tukang, kuli dan lain-lain. Dari sini timbul permasalahan yang harus dijawab, apakah hanya dengan kemampuan mengorganisir kita bisa mengembangkan organisasi menjadi lembaga profitable? Atau apkah hanya dengan modal besar kita akan bisa menjadi survive?

Reasons To Smile

Assalamualaikum …

Ladies n gentlemen
Let us to be gratefull to Allah SWT, who has given us the mercy and guidance.And don’t forget to Shalawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW.

Ladies and gentlemen
In this occasion, I’m going to extend you about reasons to smile

There are the reasons why we must be smile :

Smiling makes us attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away ,but a smile draws them in.

FRIENDSHIP : Tips For A Special Relationship

Assalamualaikum …

Ladies n gentlemen
Let us to be gratefull to Allah SWT, who has given us the mercy and guidance.And don’t forget to Shalawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW.

Ladies and gentlemen
In this occasion, I’m going to extend you about FRIENDSHIP : Tips For A Special Relationship

Friendship is a most beautiful thing happened to human being. We all meet some people with whom we never had a kinship, but they become so special in our life that it becomes hard to live without them.